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Storefronts & Shopping Carts

Sell products and services easily and quickly

There are many online storefronts available suiting any type of business. Most of the major search engines offer them including Google and Yahoo with PayPal and eBay offering similar services.

With the popularity of the Internet and online shopping, storefront websites are doing more each day to attract and keep new customers. New software is continually being developed to provide new ways for these online businesses to meet customers’ needs in a variety of ways. Successful storefront sites utilize search engines, social networks, search engine, online forums and a number of other resources.

What can they offer?

Storefront sites offer a variety of customer-friendly features. These can include customized ordering options, address books, multiple shipping addresses, shopping carts and live customer support. Successful sites have an integrated shipment-tracking program.

Storefront sites can be either business-to-business or business-to-customer. The variety of goods and services offered increases daily. According to the United States Census Bureau, sales from ecommerce are increasing rapidly, and represented more than $300 billion in sales as of early 2009. Storefront sites are investing more in email marketing, social network marketing and search engine marketing to expand their businesses–both through increased exposure and market share.

Ask us how we can help you get your storefront setup TODAY.